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The calmness of the situation was broken with the egg’s side exploding outward. What had been trapped inside was soon free following a cascade of broken pieces and flying debris. First to break out were the black wings, crashing through the surface violently with a full extension. The fluid that coated their ebony feathers was cast off to splatter about the dark room. Still they dripped the vile substance that had housed them, birthed them in fact, when the folded back down. Next came hands, clutching the jagged ends of the shell and pushing up from the pool of disgusting ooze. They finally pulled the rest of the nude body free from the sludge, and the pod was free.

No soul yet given to this body, twisting at the waist to turn towards the darkness. Eyes were dim and bereft of intellect or a mind. This creature, pulling itself from the unholy egg was all at once alive and yet lifeless. If checked a pulse would be found and breath did fill his lungs, but it certainly was not like any living creature. The naked being did move further, pulling itself from the liquid and stepping out onto the jagged rock instinctually moving away from it’s tomb. There it stood, an empty form waiting for whatever it was made for. And then, the winds came.

Softly at first, but then picking up until the howl of rushing air echoed all around. Moving forward, to fill the space in the creature’s emptiness those winds carried something dark and vile. Whatever had made that host had designed it very well. For that chasm in it’s being-ness was now being filled by what those airs brought to it, so that it could serve as a transport in the world of material and flesh. It took but a moment before those eyes changed, from a transparent gray to a glowing crimson. And the eyes did search.

The ruined land was spayed all out around them as they darted here, there and everywhere in between here and there. The rocky and jagged stone mountains and the eternally gray sky of the blackened lands, where the egg had been created, had served as a prime location for hiding this most evil of creations during it’s formative stages. Now it was finished, and it would no longer need to remain hidden. What had once been an empty shell, defenseless to those who would defend the land, was now a monster, complete with black feathered wings and eyes that poured out red light.

The flash of lightning filled the sky and was very quickly followed by the clap of thunder. It was a quick event, something that was a regular occurrence here. Yet for all the speed of lightning and thunder when finished the creature was no longer there. Already it had set out on the quest, one solely comprised of hatred and destruction. And now only the end remained, and the puddles of ooze surrounding it. They too were rapidly leaving existence, quickly rotting away until soon now evidence would be left here of the blight that was now released upon the land.

What am I?
I am death
What am I?
I am hatred
What am I?
I am here